
Patricia is a higher education professional.

I knew that I wanted to make a career pivot at some point in the future but I wasn't sure what that looked like or how I would go about it. I also was aware that I had several unhealthy thought patterns but wasn't sure how I would go about relating to them or even changing them.

Coaching is expensive. And I like to think that I can read enough online to coach myself through things. So even though I knew I could benefit a lot from having a coach, it was a process to admit to myself that I needed to work with someone in that way.


Right after I signed up, I felt great! I felt like I had just made an investment in the person I wanted to become. After 1 or 2 sessions I immediately knew I was going to get the benefit from Eddie to be held accountable as well as be vulnerable. 

I'm pretty good at bullshitting myself to a "happy resolution." I can be very logical which makes me sane but doesn't help me learn in all situations. Eddie is an excellent listener to what's not always being said. And I really appreciated when he called me out on playing safe when trying to analyze a situation.


I think Eddie has a great gift to help people understand themselves. I recommend him as a coach for people who get that it's important to show up authentic and honest. You can’t get the help you need or grow if you're not open to someone else's insights or observations.


Through working with Eddie for 3 months, I was able to review and adjust aspects of my relationships to the closest people in my life and in my relationship to work.

I was able to humanize aspects of myself that I didn't know how to approach before and address these different thought patterns that weren't really working for me.

I was able to start imagining a life in a new field. I still see the research that needs to be done ahead of me, but I'm not sure I would have even started without Eddie’s help and guidance.

I also developed a personal ritual of journaling and meditation, which I love. This has helped me integrate more calm into my life as well as more compassion for myself and others. I truly benefited from our work together and I look forward to putting the skills I've learned into practice.