How Your Genius Helps You Live Your Purpose (with Gay Hendricks)
The other day I had the honor and privilege of spending an hour with Dr. Gay Hendricks to talk about genius, purpose, and how they work together.
Here’s what you’ll discover:
The mysterious way our purpose guides us in our lives
The criteria you should look for when identifying your genius
How to access your genius during key moments in your day
The magic that naturally occurs when you’re living in your Zone of Genius
The relationship between genius and purpose
He also introduced his new book, The Joy of Genius, and shared personal stories about the workings of genius and purpose in his own life.
Near the end of the video, we talked about the healing power of bringing forth one’s truth into the world, especially when it’s difficult. It gave me chills, seriously!
Gay is featured in my article 7 Elders Share Wisdom that Guide You Towards Your Purpose. He’s a magnetic, embodied speaker that completely captivated and engrossed me (you can tell by my face!).
If you want to witness someone firing on all cylinders living their purpose and speaking from their Zone of Genius, you gotta watch this video!